
Here some resources to enjoy and prepare for the conversation:


Thanks to Theresa Chan @TchanMD and our friends of ALiEM here a link to the new book Education Theory Made Practical (Vol 1). here


Felix Ankel @felixankel discusses the future of medical education.

Here a fantastic video by Joe Walter @joewalter9999 on how to be a 21st Century Learner that captures the essence of the group.

In this video John Moravec @moravec introduces the concept of the Knowmad

Farris Timimi @farristimimi discusses the use of Social Media in Healthcare

Here a video where Felix Ankel @felixankel and Daniel Cabrera @CabreraERDR discuss the future of healthcare focused on Knowledge, Agents and Networks.

Daniel Cabrera @cabreraerdr discusses Free Open Access Medical education on this video from Mayo Transform 2015